
Is your ‘Ex Competence’ Verifiable and correct for your Industry? New CompEx Qualifications for 2024.


CompEx Certification is an internationally recognised ‘qualification’ for people working in or needing awareness of explosive atmospheres and is a UKAS accredited certication scheme. It is by far the most highly recognised industry qualification and mandatory for many sites. CompEx certification is referred to as an example of a suitable competence qualification by the UK HSE for DSEAR in their DSEAR Guide*.


As CompEx are monitoring the work environment for areas where new or additional ‘site specific’ training or linked training may be required, new courses have been developed for specifc industry sectors or engineering groups.

Ex09-10 CompEx Inspection & Installation for Water Utilities

The new CompEx Ex09-Ex10 ‘Water Utilities Qualification’ has been recently re developed by CompEx with an industry wide working group. Uniquely this course covers ‘gas and dust’ in a compact 1-week course (with supplied e-learning prior to attendance). Exercises and examples in this course cover the unique nature of water utilities.

MTEx01-MTEx04 Installation & Inspection for Maritime Vessels

This qualification (MTEx01 – MTEx04) has been developed for technicians and engineers working on vessels that use gas or low-flashpoint fuels such as LNG. Based on requirements set out in the standards IEC 60079:14, IEC 60079:17, IEC 60092-502 and the IGF Code, this course is ideal for experienced technicians and engineers with relevant qualifications of any merchant or commercial vessels including cruise lines, bulk carriers, general cargo, container, and tankers that are powered with gas or low-flashpoint fuels such as LNG.

Functional Safety Foundation (FSF) Course


The Functional Safety Foundation (FSF) course introduces the concept of Functional Safety (FS) and its relationship to the safe operation of equipment. Functional Safety is an integral part of achieving safe operation in the use of control systems. This theory only course is suitable for both technical and non-technical personnel who require a basic understanding of Functional Safety. Based on IEC 61511, this course provides grounding knowledge of Functional Safety terminology, concepts, and standards to facilitate understanding.

*A brief guide to the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations leaflet INDG370(rev1), published 01/13

ExVeritas continue to offer the full Range of CompEx Courses at our multiple centers globally, in addition we have developed new and updated specialist courses covering diverse subjects from advanced intrinsically safe design to non-electrical risk assessment.

Links to the new CompEx Courses:

Explosion Safety Specialist - Ex Veritas | Ex 09-10 CompEx Inspection & Installation for Water Utilities

Explosion Safety Specialist - Ex Veritas | MTEx01-MTEx04 Installation & Inspection for Maritime Vessels

Explosion Safety Specialist - Ex Veritas | Functional safety Foundation Course

Please see our full 2024 training schedule for all course dates or more on ExVeritas Training here

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