Shell U.K. Oil Products Limited (Shell) held another successful one-day seminar with the National Fluid Power Centre (NFPC) in Scotland in April with engineers and hydraulics specialists coming together at the event held at the Terex Centre of Excellence in Motherwell.
The seminar focused on keeping hydraulic systems healthy to minimise energy use and maximise performance, and was followed by an open debate by the attendees which included representatives of some of the UK
“As the needs of industrial companies change, more sophisticated machines are required that are smaller, operate at both higher and lower temperatures and demand long oil drains. This makes it even more critical for manufacturers to ensure that their hydraulic systems and lubricants remain healthy otherwise productivity can suffer.”
The delegates at the event were given expert advice on how the demands of modern machinery and components can affect efficiency and the role healthy, well-managed hydraulics systems can play in increasing productivity.
Delegates were also able to consult experts from some of the UK’s leading industrial companies as well as being treated to a tour of the Terex facility. The seminar targeted managers and engineers at all levels who are concerned about common problems associated with hydraulic systems, such as filter blocking, contamination, corrosion and sludge build-up.
“These problems can lead to serious commercial issues including equipment damage, more maintenance and increased downtime and the seminar highlighted these dangers and offered delegates practical solutions that could help avoid these threats to their business,” added Lonsdale.
“It is vital that operators and manufacturers recognise the benefits of using high performance hydraulic oils to keep their systems healthy and have effective lubrication management practices.”
The programme, aimed at manufacturers and operators of hydraulic equipment and service companies in Scotland, included presentations from NFPC, Shell, Terex and BFPA, the British Fluid Power Association.